Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Download Kumpulan Antivirus Rescue CD Free.

Kita tidak akan pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi dengan komputer kita. Situasi yang sulit seperti komputer yang gagal booting, sistem crash hingga gagal di load, dan hal-hal lainnya bisa saja terjadi. Jika kondisi ini terjadi, maka kita memerlukan antivirus rescue CD.
CD rescue dari berbagai vendor antivirus ini merupakan CD bootable yang bisa anda gunakan untuk melakukan scan sistem, membasmi virus, mengcopy atau menghapus file, membuat atau menghapus partisi serta berbagai fungsi lainnya. Semuanya bisa anda lakukan langsung dari CD rescue bootable tanpa harus booting Windows.
Hampir semua vendor antivirus menyediakan antivirus rescue CD yang bisa didownload secara cuma-cuma. Berikut ini adalah berbagai antivirus rescue CD beserta link downloadnya.

1.Kaspersky Rescue CD

Kaspersky adalah salah satu antivirus populer yang kemampuannya sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Rescue disk Kaspersky ini juga berisi antivirus Kaspersky terbaru, sehingga anda bisa melakukan scanning komputer saat terjadi gagal booting

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Download MusicBee 1.4.4418 Free.

Organize, find and play music files on your computer, on portable devices and on the web
If you are looking for an application geared toward managing extensive music collections, easy to use and with a comprehensive feature set - MusicBee is that application.
The MusicBee application provides an easy way to organize, find and play music files on your computer, on portable devices and on the web.
Free for personal use.
Here are some key features of "MusicBee":
. Manage your music
· Manage your music as a library, as playlists or as folders on the file-system. Organize, browse and find music on your computer, on portable devices and on the web. Small or large collections are handled with ease.
· Have folders watched for new tracks and added to your library, with the option to tag the files from an Inbox beforehand.
· Also manage and download Podcast subscriptions and listen to your favourite radio stations, including Shoutcast and Last.fm stations.
· Tagging
· Tag music easily, with a large number of tags available for editing, and custom tags that can be configured to edit other less common tags.
· Automatically look up missing Album Art, Lyrics and tag other metadata from the web, with the ability to have tracks identified by analysing their digital sound signature.
· Power users will appreciate the configurable input panel layout, bulk editing, handling for multiple artist/ genres, search & replace, and tools to highlight tracks requiring attention (missing tags, duplicates, etc).
· Organise
· Have music files organised and renamed into folders and files on your computer based on tag values such as artist, album, name, track number, etc. that you specify. You can have MusicBee do this automatically for all files in your library or you can choose the files or folders yourself.

Mozilla Thunderbird 11.0b3 / 10.0.2 Final (Free)

Microsoft offers an email client in every single version of Windows, but most users need more advanced functions, so searching for an alternative solution is one of the first things to do after installing a fresh copy of the operating system.

Mozilla is already a very popular name in the software market, mostly thanks to the Firefox browser, so its own email client is bound to attract users as well. Thunderbird is a powerful application that borrows some features from Firefox, coming with add-ons and theme support, plus several other innovative features.
Just like expected from an email client, Mozilla Thunderbird can be installed in a matter of seconds, but the hard part begins when creating an account. Novices are advised to use the wizard and complete each fields with the correct information, provided the email settings are known.As mentioned before, Mozilla Thunderbird can be heavily customized through plug-ins and themes, so having a look at Mozilla’s add-ons center is a must. It should be emphasized that, while Mozilla Thunderbird is friendly with computer resources, it might slow down if users install a large variety of add-ons and themes.
The standard interface is very clean and pleasant while enabling users to manage emails fast and efficiently by assigning tags or priority levels. The appearance of the main window can be customized by adjusting the layout, the columns and the panels to suits one's necessities.
When dealing with a message, users can reply or forward it, but they can also archive or edit it as new; filters can be created to ensure that no spam messages are received.
The Settings window is the place where experts and software enthusiasts can show their skills. They can configure the connection security, the signature location, the return receipts or the digital signing certificates.
All in all, Thunderbird proves to be a stable and feature-packed email client that should definitely be given a chance, especially since it is freeware.

Download FBackup 4.6.263 Free.

FBackup description

The FBackup application was designed to be a backup application for both personal and commercial use. It protects your important data by backing it up automatically to any USB/Firewire device, local or network location. The backed up data can be either compressed (using standard zip compression) or an exact copy of the original files.
Here are some key features of "FBackup":

It’s free (as in speech, not beer):

FBackup is a backup software free for both commercial and personal use. This means that you can save some money by not having to buy another backup program.

Automatic backups:

You define a backup job, set it to run automatically, and forget about it. FBackup will automatically run the backup at the scheduled date, so you have the benefit not only of having your data protected, but you'll also save precious time.

Backup with standard zip compression:

When using the full backup type, the sources will be archived using standard zip compression. FBackup uses ZIP64 compression, which means that it can create zip files over 2GB in size. Furthermore, you can protect the zip file by requiring a password for extracting data from it.

Exact copies of files:

If you don't want to have the files stored in one zip file, FBackup can make exact copies of the backup sources. Since FBackup will also back up empty folders, you can use this backup type to create in the destination a "mirror" copy of the original files.

Run actions before/after backup:

For each backup job you can define an action to execute before or after the backup. As an example, you can set a "Clear backup" action before the backup runs, so that all the previous backed up files will be clearead before loading the new ones. As an after-backup action, you can set it to stand by, log off, hibernate or even shut down the computer once the backup successfully finished.

Download File Menu Tools 6.1.1 Free

FileMenu Tools description
FileMenu Tools lets you customize the context menu of the Windows Explorer. You can use the program to add customized commands which allows you to run external applications, copy / move to a specific folder or delete specific file types. 
Here are some key features of "FileMenu Tools":
Add some build-in utilities in order to do operations over files and    folders. Configure the "Send to..." submenu.· Enable/disable the commands which are added by other applications to the context menu.
The build-in utilities are the following: 
  • Synchronize Folders - Synchronizes two folders. It is possible configure the synchronization type (unidirectional, bidirectional, etc.) and the file types which must be synchronized.
  • Extended Delete - Deletes recursively specific file types from a folder. The file types are specified with wildcards, for example: *.txt, *.t??, etc.
  • Find And Replace - Finds and replaces a text in all selected files. It is possible to use regular expressions.· Advanced Renamer - Renames all the selected elements by using some patterns.
  • Delete Locked File - Deletes files which are locked by any application and cannot be deleted normally.
  • Delete and no move to Recycle Bin - Deletes definitely files and folders.
  • Change Icon - Change the icon assigned to the selected folder
  • Run with Arguments - Run a program with parameters typed through a dialog box. 
  • Command Line From Here - Open a command line window and go to selected folder. 
  • Split File - Splits the selected file in various parts. 
  • Join File - Joins the parts of a file which were previously splitted. 
  • Copy to... - Copies the selected elements to other folder. 
  • Move to... - Moves the selected elements to other folder. 
  • Copy Name - Copies to the clipboard the name of the all selected elements. 
  • Copy Path - Copies to the clipboard the path of the all selected elements. 
  • Copy Content - Copies to the clipboard the content of the selected element. If a folder is selected, all element names that the folder contains will be copied 
  • Attributes - Displays a submenu which lets change the attributes of the selected elements. If a folder is selected, it is possible change the attributes recursively. 
  • Change Time - Changes the creation time, the last access time and/or the last write time of the selected elements. If a folder is selected, it is possible change the time recursively. 
  • Register DLL - Register a DLL in Windows. 
  • Unregister DLL - Unregister a DLL. 
  • Create New Folder - Creates a new folder into the selected folder
What's New in This Release:
  • Added support to run FileMenu Tools from portable devices. You can download FileMenu Tools Portable from the download page. From the FileMenu Tools configurator you can export the settings to a INI file into the folder where FileMenu Tools Portable is installed, so you can use FileMenu Tools Portable with your current settings. You must copy the INI file to a file named "settings.ini" into the folder "[drive]\PortableApps\FileMenuTools\Data". FileMenu Tools Portable is compatible with both launchers PortableApps.com and CodySafe, and therefore FileMenu Tools will be displayed automatically in the app listing in these launchers. 
  • Added new utility: Unpack Folder. This utility moves all the elements into the selected folders to the parent folder, and deletes these empty folders. 
  • Added a new property for all the commands: Modifier Key. This property is available for all the commands (both built-in commands and custom commands). With this property you can set a modifier key...

Free Download System Explorer


System Explorer is one of the tools able to provide an in-depth analysis of your computer, displaying valuable information concerning the start-up programs, the running processes or the network connections. One of the aces up its sleeve is definitely the interface. Very pleasant and intuitive, with nifty tabs at the top of the main window, System Explorer's interface makes everything very easy to use, thus addressing not only advanced users, but also beginners. The tab bar can be fully customized by every user to show exactly the information he wants, so you can choose between tasks, processes, performance, additional info, uninstallers, modules, connections, autoruns, services, drivers, networking, WMI browser, history, snapshots, users and security info. An impressive amount of information and it's all comprised in just a single window, as said based on the popular tabbed 
One of the most useful goodies in the whole application is the security scan that checks the running processes for suspicious activity using an online security database. In plain English, the processes will be scanned online through VirusTotal and Jotti services, so you'll stay on the safe side all the time. System Explorer also comprises a settings screen with options concerning the way the app looks and works. For instance, you can choose to show fractional CPU usage and graphs, set System Explorer as the default task manager or enable history monitoring. The amount of information provided by System Explorer is absolutely impressive, and this is the thing you will definitely like the most. There are tons of details in every single tab, along with graphs and useful tips, keeping the user up-to-date with what's happening with the system all the time. If we were to vote for an improvement, we would most likely choose a local help manual because the application gets you to the official site of the developer whenever you try to open the available documentation. All things considered, it's hard not to be impressed with System Explorer. It provides virtually all the information you will ever need on your computer, it's freeware, it runs on low resources and it works on all Windows versions. Simply brilliant!

Here are some key features of "System Explorer":
· Detailed informations about Tasks, Processes, Modules, Startups, IE Addons, Uninstallers, Windows, Services, Drivers, Connections and Opened Files.
· Easy check of suspicious files via VirusTotal or Jotti service.
· Easy search details about file/process via online databases.
· Security Extension for automatic check of processes,modules and selected files.
· "New Task..." dialog with integrated AutoSearch and AutoCompletion.
· Action History for monitoring processes activities.
· Performance graphs for monitoring usage of system resources in time.
· System Snapshots for easy finding of system changes.
· System Report builds rich text report containing major informations about your System.
· Multilanguage and Plugins Support.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

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